Tool Mentor: Authoring Web Pages
The authoring environment for the Rational Unified Process is
based on Microsoft« FrontPage« 2000, and CorelDrawÖ 8. This "Authoring
Web Pages" does not intend to replace the manuals for these tools, but to
point out their specific use in the development of the Rational Unified Process
See also, Guideline:
Rational Unified Process Style Guide. It contains a lot of useful
information -- Read it!
See also, Tool Mentor: Modifying the
Treebrowser, and Tool Mentor: Using the Rational
Unified Process Tools.
Microsoft FrontPage Web-server
With the installation of Microsoft« FrontPage« you get a web-server. You
will be asked to give a location for this server. Web-sites located to the
server area can be reached via the server.
In a web-browser you type something like:
Other computers in the network can also browse webs on your server.
Working with a Private Copy of the Site (no version management)
- Place your copy in the root folder of your Microsoft FrontPage web-server,
or in a working directory of your choice.
C:\Webs\FrontPage Webs\Content\mycopy
Shared Site
It is, of course, possible to place the site on a file server in a network,
and allow several people access it, but without the safety of a version control
system. The procedure is the same as above.
Two things regarding zip-files:
- When you zip up a site, make sure that all folders "_vti_xxx"
are included. Sometimes this requires that you unmark the folders as
invisible (making them visible) via the Properties in you favorite
- When you un-zip a site, select "All files", or else you may not
get empty folders, which are relevant to the structure of the site.
How to zip a folder structure, with its files:
- Open the winzip file.
- Go to the folder that contains what you want to zip.
- Select Actions>Add.
- Make sure that file name is "*.*". Also click the checkbox
"Include System and Hidden Files."
- Click on "Add with Wildcards."
Now you have a zip file with a folder structure. When people unzip this they
will get a folder structure, in which the files reside.
Version Management
Operations that change the shared borders or the theme, will cause a lot, if
not all, of the files to be updated. This means that all such operations must be
done by one person with all files checked in by the rest of the group.
Change an Existing File
To change an existing file, simply open it from the Microsoft« FrontPage«
Explorer by double-clicking the file. Microsoft FrontPage Editor will display
the file. The editor is fairly straight-forward to use. For details on the
editor, please refer to Microsoft« FrontPage's manual and help.
Modifying Pictures
To change an existing picture it is recommended to use CorelDraw. Most
pictures in the Rational Unified Process are developed using CorelDraw. The
pictures can be downloaded, in CorelDraw format, from the Rational
Unified Process Resource Center.
Create a New File
There are a number of templates defined for the Rational Unified Process:
- RUP Activity
- RUP Artifact
- RUP Concept
- RUP Guideline
- RUP Report
- RUP Tool Mentor
- RUP Workflow Introduction
- RUP Workflow Detail
- RUP Worker
We recommend Tool Mentor authors to use Microsoft« Word and their material
will subsequently be converted to HTML.
To create a new file using a template:
- In Page mode, select File->New->Page..
- Select the template you want and click OK.
- If prompted where to store pictures, specify the images folder at the top
level of the web-site.
The Rational Unified
Process Templates are not Listed!?
If the Rational Unified Process templates don't show up in the list, then you
haven't installed them yet. To install the templates, following the instruction
in Installing FrontPage Templates.
Create a New Template
Microsoft« FrontPage« allows you to create new templates in the
File->Save As dialogue.
- Create a page to be the new template.
- Remove the theme from the template by selecting Format->Theme...(A new
page created from the template will apply the current web-site theme.)
- Select File->Save As... and click As FrontPage template (*.tem). Give a
title, filename, and description for the template. Then select "Save
Template in Current Web".
- Click OK. The template will be automatically saved to the pages folder in
the Microsoft FrontPage installation folder.
Tips: Create an empty web for template creation. The templates are not site
specific and you will get "cleaner" templates if the site that is
currently opened does not have a theme or any specific shared borders. In the
HTML-code you should have the following lines for theme and border respectively:
<meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="none,
<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="bl, default">
The "bl" for border stands for "bottom" and
"left". If that has changed since this was written, you can adjust
accordingly, using letters "t" for "top" and "r"
for "right".
This should ensure that the new pages take on the site's default settings for
theme and borders. If this doesn't happen automatically, simply set theme from
the Format menu and shared borders from the Tools menu.
Modify an Existing Template
When you do File->New... you get the list of existing templates and you
can select one to base your new page on. You edit an existing template by
creating a new page using the template, edit it, and then save it again as a
- Choose File->New... and open the template you want to edit.
- Edit the page.
- Choose File->Save As...
- Click As Template...
- In the following dialog, click Browse. Choose your template from the list.
Click OK.
- If you want to change any of the template information, do so, and click
OK. You will be asked to confirm overwriting the existing template.
Language Review
- If your language reviewer has HTML authoring installed with Microsoft«
Word, you can send HTML files to them, and they can convert them to Word. If
not, create Word versions of the documentation by opening the HTML files in
Word, and then saving them as Word files. Optionally combine files into
longer documents. (Microsoft« Word97 supports importing of HTML.
Microsoft« Word 7 can use Internet Assistant from
See also the process described under Producing
- In the Revisions dialog (Tools menu) set Mark while editing and lock the
document to make sure edits are recorded.
- Send documentation to language reviewer.
- When the edited documentation returns, it's easy to find changes using the
merge revisions, or by printing the document with the change marks visible.
- Correct the HTML source manually.
Do not use Microsoft« Word97 for converting to HTML, because the generated
HTML code is of poor quality and very different from the HTML you get when you
author documents in Microsoft« FrontPage«. (Word puts in lots of formatting
tags and loses the structure of the document.)
Contents Review
Publish the whole site where it can be accessed by the reviewers, or send
zip-archives or CD's with the site. There are a few different ways that comments
on contents can be submitted.
- They can be marked on hard copies printed from the web.
- You can use bookmarks in Netscape Navigator and send in the bookmark file.
Navigator allows you to comment your bookmarks, and these comments will show
up if you display the bookmark file in the browser, together with a link to
the page they concern.
- There is a comment facility in Microsoft« FrontPage« which shows the
comments in the Normal view of the editor, but they do not show up in the
Preview view or in a web browser.
- They can convert to Microsoft« Word files using Word's HTML authoring
capabilities, and use the Revision tool.
Publishing the entire Microsoft« FrontPage« web can be done in several
- If you want to publish it with all the Microsoft FrontPage files, copy the
whole Microsoft FrontPage web (the top-level folder and sub-folders) to a
new location. If you zip the files, see section zip
files for more details.
- If you want to publish it using as little memory as possible, then you
want to remove all file that are not necessary. We recommend that you remove
all folders named "_vti_cnf", and there contents.
- You can also use the Microsoft FrontPage publish command:
- Start Microsoft FrontPage and open the working directory containing the
FrontPage web.
- In the menu File, select Publish web....
- Set the path to wherever you want to publish the online process.
Publishing on UNIX
When you have published the site on a UNIX server:
- Check file permissions.
In the top folder, the following command will give read permission to
everybody for the whole site.
> chmod -R ugo+r .
To make the site read-only:
> chmod -R ugo-w .
- Check capitalization of filenames and rename the files if they are
incorrect. (Most filenames are lower-case letters, and that is a good
file-naming strategy.)
When it is more convenient to author text in Microsoft« Word, here are some
- Use Word for white papers and first drafts. Once you have moved your
document to Microsoft« FrontPage«, you do not want to go round-tripping
via Word.
- For reviewing purposes you can convert to Word, but be aware of the extra
work if you want to take the file back to FrontPage. (It is probably easier
to update the original file in FrontPage than to convert the Word-file once
it is back from reviewing. See also in section Review
Contents and Language.)
Do NOT use Word's HTML Editing Capabilities
You can open any HTML document in Microsoft« Word, including the files you
have created in Microsoft« FrontPage«. You will get different menus with
specific HTML features. When you save your document, it will automatically be
saved as in HTML. The same happens if you choose a web document template, using
File->New to create a new document. The HTML document can subsequently be
opened in FrontPage.
Important things you want to know!!!
- Word will write over the original HTML, and it is more than likely that
you will lose some important information. For example:
- Paragraphs "classified" in FrontPage, e.g.,
- However, the link to the stylesheet is preserved.
- The styles in the style list in HTML mode are OK to use, because it will
produce real HTML code, but it's not necessarily so that FrontPage will
support you with all of them, i.e., you may have to edit HTML code in
FrontPage if you want to use, for example, "blockquote".
- You cannot use the Revision tool in HTML mode. If you want to this
function, see below on Regular Microsoft Word Documents.
- When sending HTML files to colleagues, remember to zip along the pictures.
Here are some of the problems found when using Microsoft« FrontPage«.
Reported May 98
There have been reports on Microsoft« Word crashing when opening HTML files.
First you should find out if You have any problems with Word. Do that by trying
to open the following types of files. If you can open all four, using Word, you
do not have to upgrade. If you can open all, except
"theme_and_borders.htm" then you probably do not gain anything by
a) a very simple HTML file.
b) with no shared borders, and no themes.
c) with no theme, but with shared borders.
d) with shared borders and themes.
Make sure you have the latest version of Word. To find out about the version,
you must locate the WinWord.exe file. In most cases it is located at the
following path on you machine:
"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\WINWORD.EXE" (or
"C:" of course).
- Select it, and right-click "Properties".
- Select the tab "Version"
- Now you can see the version number close to the top of the window. In the
frame further down there is also a entry called "Version".
If you have problems with the above, there are two things to do: 1) make sure
you have Web Authoring Tools installed, and if so and it still crashed, 2)
upgrade Office with Service Release 1. See below for details on Web Authoring
Tools and Service Release 1.
Here is how you could check to see if you have the Web Authoring Tools
First, you need the Office CD, and put it into the PC.
- Click on the Windows "Start" button. Select Start -> Settings
-> Control Panel.
- Double-click on Add/Remove Programs.
- Select Microsoft Office Professional Edition. (that's on the
Install/Uninstall tab).
- Click on the button Add/Remove.
- (wait for a while)
- Click on Add/Remove.
- Check that "Web Authoring Tools" are installed.
- If they are not, install them.
Microsoft has something called "Service Release 1" which is an
upgrade of Office. You must download and install this. When you have done this
you should be able to open HTML files.
To find the "Service Release 1", go to the homepage for Microsoft
When you send out the stuff for review; to be sure that everyone else can
read your HTML files, we recommend that you:
a) Make a copy of your material to send out for review.
b) Remove the theme, before you send it out. (In Microsoft« FrontPage«
Explorer select Format>Theme.)
c) To increase readability, you can also remove the "shared
borders". (In FrontPage Explorer select Format>Shared Borders, and
deselect all borders.)
Both these operations, (b) and (c), are reversible (at least according to our
experiments tells us so).
IMPORTANT: Then you must also inform your reviewers about the Service Release
1, and where to get it.
Reported April 98
If you create a new page in Microsoft« FrontPage« Editor and insert an
image in it (insert clipart, or copy from another FrontPage page) and then save
the page, FrontPage will prompt you for where to save the image. FrontPage
suggests a path, but often you want to change to another folder, for example a
dedicated image folder. To save the image to the folder FrontPage suggests cause
no problems, but if you change it, FrontPage protests and says that the web, to
which the page belongs, is not opened. Here are some ways to work around the
Save the image to the suggested folder, and then move it via the FrontPage
First import the image to the folder in which you want it. Then insert the
image using the Insert->Image... menu command.
First place the new page into the navigation view. (Rational Unified Process
does not use the navigation view.)
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